ES(GURS) Abstract Submission Guidelines

Rules for online scientific abstract and video submission:

Before entering the abstract or video submission system you must carefully read the following rules.
After having read the rules, press I AGREE.

(These rules will remain available to you on the right side of the submission page)

Submission requirements

  • By accessing and/or using this system you agree (also on behalf of co-authors) to the rules as set out below.
  • Only asbtract(s) or video(s) submitted through this official online submission system will be considered.
  • Abtract(s) or video(s) must be submitted in English. This applies also to the title, text body and author affiliations.
  • Authors may submit more than one abstract or video but are asked to exercise reasonable restraint.
  • Please note that transfer of copyright applies to all material submitted through this online system.


Abstract(s) and video(s) may not have been published before the start of the Global (ES)GURS-ESAU24 meeting on 9 , 10 and 11 October 2024.

Copyright & publication
Copyright of the accepted abstract(s) or video(s) is assigned to the European Association of Urology and any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the author(s).
The accepted abstract(s) or videos(s) of the Global (ES)GURS-ESAU24 are going to be published online in the Global (ES)GURS-ESAU24 resource centre, in the Global (ES)GURS-ESAU app and as an online supplement by Elsevier on European Urology Open Science. If you do not want your abstract or videos published online please send an e-mail to

Please note: Copyright of the abstract(s) is assigned to the European Association of Urology and any conflicts with any other scientific association will be the sole responsibility of the author(s).

AI technology
Where authors use generative AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process, these technologies should only be used to improve readability and language of the work. Applying the technology should be done with human oversight and control and authors should carefully review and edit the result, because AI can generate authoritative-sounding output that can be incorrect, incomplete or biased. The authors are ultimately responsible and accountable for the contents of the work. Authors should disclose in their abstract the use of AI and AI-assisted technologies. Authors should not list AI and AI-assisted technologies as an author or co-author, nor cite AI as an author. Authorship implies responsibilities and tasks that can only be attributed to and performed by humans. Authors are also responsible for ensuring that the work is original.

System requirements
We recommend using Google Chrome (latest version) for the best experience.

The size of the abstract or video is limited to 3,000 characters (this includes title, body of abstract, spaces, tables and images). The submission programme will automatically calculate the size of your abstract or video and will not allow submissions that do not fit in the size requirements.
Every image counts for 500 characters and only jpg files can be uploaded (no pdf or other files). For readability you are advised to make tables with the “insert table” tool and not upload this as an image.

Please bear in mind that the video duration may not be longer than 7 minutes.


  • The title should clearly define the topic.
  • There is no maximum length for the title, but the characters in the title are included in your total character count.
  • The first letter of the title will automatically begin with a capital letter.
  • Standard abbreviations may be used as follows: On first use spell out the full term and follow with the abbreviation in parentheses.
  • Do NOT identify your institution in the title.
  • Do NOT type the abstract title in capital letters.
  • Do NOT end the title with a period.

Each quoted author should have contributed substantially to the represented work in terms of conceptual design or analysis, writing of the article and final approval of the article in order to take public responsibility for the content.


Provide the full last and first names of all authors, omitting any titles, degrees and institutional affiliations. Please check that for authors from the same institution the name of the institution is written in the exact same way to avoid the creation of extra affiliations, which are in fact identical.
During the upload procedure, you can indicate who the presenting author will be, and this information can also be edited afterwards.

Type the name of the institution, department, city and country. If co-authors are from the same institution, the programme will automatically copy all information into the next boxes, so that you do not have to retype all information. If co-authors are not from the same institution you can edit each box accordingly. Please make sure that the institution, department and city are written in English. The system allows authors to have only one affiliation, so in case someone works in different institutions, please indicate the main work place.

Body of the abstract or video
State the objective of the study, describe the material and methods, summarize the results presenting sufficient details to support the conclusions reached (it is not acceptable to state: “The results will be discussed”). Use numbers to indicate values (i.e. “6” instead of “six”) and only very well-known abbreviations e.g., ml, kg, MRI… If you must use other abbreviations, you must explain the first time it appears.

The following headings have already been formatted for you and should not be entered in the text fields again:
-Introduction & Objectives
-Materials & Methods

Proof reading
After you have inserted all data for your abstract submission a preview will show on your screen. Please verify that your abstract submission is correct and read this preview carefully (including author information). Keep a print for your own records.
It is the responsibility of the submitting author to ensure the abstract is in perfect order with no errors in spelling or grammar, as revisions will not be accepted. Abstracts will not be corrected.

Abstract or video bodies will be published as submitted, except for a simple English spelling check. You will be able to edit the abstract or video bodies until the submission deadline. After the submission deadline there is no possibility to edit the submission text anymore.

Submission deadline
Deadline for abstract and video submission is 10 July 2024, 23:59:59 hrs CEST.
To avoid that yourabstract or video can not be submitted due to technical difficulties, computer problems or other reasons, you are advised to submit your abstract or video on time. There is no possibility for late-breaking abstract or video submission.

The abstract(s) or video(s) will be anonymously reviewed and sessions are composed. The outcome of the abstract or video selection is available online through this abstract submission website. You will receive a notification by e-mail indicating the exact date.

Cancellation, withdrawal or name changes
Cancellation, withdrawal or name changes should be notified 1 months prior to the congress by e-mail to

Human experimentation
Any human experimentation that has been conducted with respect to the submitted abstract(s), should have been conducted according to the protocol approved by the institutional or local committee on ethics in human investigation; or, if no such committee exists, the works should have been conducted in accordance with the principles of the Declaration of Helsinki of World Medical Association.

Additional rules related to Video Submission only

  • Make sure to follow the general submission rules mentioned above.
  • Each video submission should be accompanied by an abstract. Abstracts, as well as the video files, can only be submitted online.
  • All videos submitted must be in the final format. Hence, they must include the exact title and all author’s names at the start or end of your video.
  • Duration: The video can have a maximum length of 7 minutes.
  • Size and format: All formats are accepted, however, MP4 is the preferred format. Maximum file size 1Gb. Submission of 3D videos is not allowed and will not be considered.
  • Videos should be self-explanatory, by voice-over (English), clear text and/or graphics and music (identification of institution, surgeons etc. is not allowed).
  • All submitted videos will be reviewed initially for audio/visual clarity and quality.
  • Submission via e-mail after the deadline is not possible.
  • Please wait with closing your submission until the video upload is done (indicated on the submission page).
  • In the exceptional case that online submission is not possible you can send the video file by a down- and upload service like to Please indicate the abstract ID number in your message.

Recommended requirements for video upload

  • Resolution HD ( 1280×720 pixels ) or higher
  • Frame rate higher than 25fps.
  • Pixel aspect 16:9
  • Bitrate higher than 6Mbps.
  • Audio stream: Stereo, 48000 Hz or better ( AAC, DTS, Dolby 5.1 )
  • Video container: MPEG-4 ( MP4 or MKV )
  • For tips on how to export a video from editing software, visit Vimeo’s reference guide for exporting sequences from various different software vendors at
  • Vimeo might have some performance issues close to submission deadline. If so, you can send the video to using Please mention the abstract ID number when uploading.