In an effort to encourage collaboration and foster multi-institutional approaches to address research questions in our field of reconstructive/trauma urology, the multi-institutional trials committee (MITC) is accepting proposals for new multi-institutional studies. The goal for this effort is to encourage development of multi-institutional research and facilitate recruitment from institutions who want to participate in these studies.

The Process

  • Submit study application, which can be found here
  • Applications will be reviewed by the GURS-MITC in addition to independent reviewers with expertise in the study area/content
  • If a study is approved, study and criteria for participation will be posted on the GURS-MIT webpage and interested centers may contact the primary study site for participation.
  • Select studies will receive GURS monetary award and preferential publishing in the Gold Journal of Urology.
  • Trials to be considered for the GURS monetary award will be reviewed biannually and are due on March 1st and September 1st.


  • Each study should be headed by one coordinating center whose principal investigator is responsible for the study design and proposal
  • Must have clear data sharing plan
  • Clear and clinically relevant hypothesis, feasible, and likely to impact clinical practice

The MITC is looking forward to your enthusiastic support and participation in these and future studies.