GURS Position Statement on Transgender Healthcare:

Health Care and Support for Transgender and Gender Diverse Individuals

The Society of Genitourinary and Reconstructive Surgeons (GURS) is committed to ensuring all individuals can access reconstructive urological care provided by its members with compassion, dignity, and respect.

GURS firmly believes that all treatment decisions should be made between patients and their care teams, and opposes government interference in the clinical practice of medicine. We pledge support for all members who provide high quality, compassionate gender-affirming surgical care for transgender and gender diverse individuals. We believe that scientific evidence and the needs of patients should drive clinical decisions and health policy.


American Urological Association (AUA) Statement on Transgender Care

Creating a gender-affirming environment for urologic care (AUA News)

World Professional Association for Transgender Health Standards of Care 8: Update for Urology (AUA News)

Transgender and Gender Diverse Care (AUA Core Curriculum)