Fellowships: Global
The GURS welcomes global participation of prospective fellowship programs.
If you are interested in opening a Global GURS fellowship program, please contact us here.
Belgrade Center for Urogenital Reconstructive Surgery
Belgrade, Serbia
Details Coming Soon
Centro De Uretra Mexico, Hospital Ángeles Mocel
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East Avenue Medical Center Fellowship Program in Reconstructive Urology
Quezon City, Metro Manilla, Philippines
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Hospital del Trabajador
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Hospital do Servidor Públco Estadual de São Paulo/Iamspe
São Paulo, Brazil
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Hospital Italiano School of Medicine
Buenos Aires, Argentina
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Institution Name:
Fellowship Program Name:
Urethral and Reconstructive Genital Surgery
Fellowship Program Location (City, State, Country):
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Program Directors:
Gabriel Andrés Favre, MD, PhD
[email protected]
Program Director Credentials:
Jefe de sector cirugía uretral y genital reconstructiva, Urology deptarment, HI
Program Associated Professors:
Dr. Gabriel Favre (male reconstruction, urinary divertion); Dr. Guillermo Gueglio (prostetic surgery, peryronies surgery); Dr. Matias Gonzales (urinary divertion, female pelvic floor reconstruction); and Dr. Gustavo Villodo (tissue engineering).
Contact Person:
Patricia Alvarez, Academic Secretary
[email protected]
Phone: +541149590200
Prerequisite/Eligibility Requirements:
Fullfill Hospital Italiano requirements for Fellowships (See website) and understand spanish
The Urology Department of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires is a tertiary care center covering all urological pathologies.
The subdivision of Urethral and Genital Reconstructive Surgery is part of the Urological department and is a reference center for the surgical treatment of urethral stricture. We usually receive both non-complex and complex urethral stricture cases, with multiple previous procedures like, failed hypospadias surgery, pan urethral strictures, posterior urethral injuries and posterior urethral complications after prostate cancer treatments.
Other reconstructive procedures include: Phalloplasties due to trauma, cancer or transgender surgery, corrective surgery for the Peyronie’s disease, penile prosthesis, urinary divertions, repair of the vesico-vaginal fistulae, and female pelvic organ prolapse and urinary incontinence.
Local and International Urologists visit our center every year and it is possible to attend to an average of 4 reconstructive procedures per week. Furthermore, the fellow program is accredited by the medical school of the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires.
The objective of our program is that the fellow gets familiar to patient evaluations and surgical strategies. Initially the fellow only assists the surgery, but later, the fellow also performs basic techniques of urethral reconstruction while assisted by one staff. In the same way, the fellow actively participates in corrective surgery for the Peyrone’s disease and penile prosthesis. Also, he /she will participate in anti-incontinency procedures and female genital prolapse. In addition, the fellow will assist the surgeon staff in more complex cases like female pelvic reconstructive surgery, fistulas and posterior urethral injuries.
Length of Fellowship:
1 year
Academic Development:
Annual submission of at least one abstract to international meetings, and at least one paper to peer-reviewed journals.
The subdivision of urethral surgery participates in the academic activity of the Urological Department, presentations are responsibility of the fellow.
Kulkarni Reconstructive Urology Center
Pune, Maharahstra, India
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Institution Name:
UROKUL, Pune, India
Fellowship Program Name:
Fellowship in Reconstructive Urology
Fellowship Program Location (City, State, Country):
UROKUL, Next to Bitwise Terra Towers, Mumbai Pune Bypass Road,Pune,411045
Fellowship Program Director Name:
Sanjay B Kulkarni, MS, FRCS
[email protected]
Fellowship Program Contact Person Name:
Dr. Pankaj M. Joshi
[email protected]
Fellowship Program Website Link:
www.strictureurethra.in https://urokulhospital.com
Length of Fellowship Program:
1 year
Fellowship Program Description:
Urokul is a 105-bed dedicated Urology hospital, tertiary referral center for Urethral surgeries.
The subdivision of Urethral and Genital Reconstructive Surgery is part of the Urological department and is a reference center for the surgical treatment of urethral strictures. We usually receive both non-complex and complex urethral stricture cases. We have expertise in treating primary hypospadias, failed hypospadias surgery, pan urethral strictures, posterior urethral injuries and posterior urethral complications after prostate cancer treatments, like strictures, bladder neck contractures, and incontinence. Last academic year we performed over 600 Urethroplasty. We perform artificial sphincters and penile prosthesis surgery routinely. The Hospital is equipped with all urology technology like 3 D Laparoscopy, Davinci Robot, Thulium Fibre laser. We have 5 modular operating rooms,10 dialysis units and perform all urological procedures.
Eligibility Requirements/Criteria (When Applicable):
MD Urology or Equivalent (recognized by National Medical Commission, India)
View the Reconstructive Surgical Case Log 1 Here
View the Reconstructive Surgical Case Log 2 Here
National Defense Medical College
Tokorozawa, Saitama, Japan
Details Coming Soon
Saiful Anwar Hospital
East Java – Indonesia
Details Coming Soon
Programs in Probation
No programs in probation.